Saturday, November 14, 2009

Aluminum Sanctuary


Aluminum Sanctuary


Redemption Coma


Saturday, October 31, 2009


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Parallel Tide

Parallel Tide 
This work focusses on the relationships between figures, and how the concealment and lack of concealment of the body creates tension. One figure, nude, completely exposed, and yet the identity of the facial features concealed by the inclusion of the mask in her hands creates a boundary between the viewer and the figures within the picture plane. The obstructing frame in front of the nude female acts as a further boundary. The ambiguous arm is secured in mid-motion above the female furthering the tension. The figures co-exist. Their actions indecisive.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


The newest piece, "Ipseossuary" is the first of a new series of works. The body of work is a continuation of the ideas explored in the piece, "Vigil". The work discusses the distortion of figures, their abstraction, and the psychology and tension that is created through the editing out of specificity. The characters in the work are shrouded and the atmosphere created through lights allow the figures to exist in a "non-space"; between fiction and reality. Objects of nostalgia also become distorted and also lose their identity, operating as obstructions and breaks within the space, furthering the non-dramas of the characters. 

Monday, September 28, 2009


So far, I've only posted work from the previous semester working on a series titled, "Vigil". This work depicts the pairing of figures, in which I remove any sense of personal identity in order for the bodies to act as vessels. Within these paintings, the interactions are made unclear, and the characters act as catalysts for the viewer to imbue their own identities and personal experiences. The figures are self-aware of the staging and the atmosphere allows the figures to emerge and recede in order to tie themselves to the spaces they surround